【Business English - 04】Billionaire space race pits Jeff Bezos against Richard Branson ( 億萬富翁太空競賽 )
【Business English - 47】Is retail dying? (零售業正在凋零嗎?)
【Biz Stories -11】Suez Canal blocked by huge container ship ( 巨型貨輪意外堵住蘇伊士運河 )
【Business English -03】Work Culture - Why does Japan work so hard? ( 日本為什麼這麼努力?)
【Biz Stories -00】How did Dubai get so rich? ( 杜拜如何變得如此富裕? )
【Business English - 49】What makes art so expensive? (藝術品為什麼貴?)
【Business English - 05】How much does the Lunar New Year cost? ( 農曆新年要花多少錢?)
【Biz - Stories - 03】Will the coronavirus crisis rethink the world? ( 冠狀病毒危機會讓世界重新思考嗎?)
【Business English - 52】Countries Mark New Year's Day (國家紀念元旦)
【Business English - 51】Unwanted Christmas Gifts - Which? Investigates (不需要的聖誕禮物)
【Business English -22】How is Generation Y changing the way we work? ( Y世代如何改變我們的工作方式?)
【Business English -27】Why Dragon Fish Are So Expensive ( 為什麼龍魚這麼貴 )
【Business English - 50】Rockefeller Christmas Tree Makes It To NYC ( 紐約洛克菲勒中心聖誕樹 )
【Business English - 43】How Did Daylight Saving Time (DST) Start? (夏令時DST如何開始的?)
【Business English - 42】Can fashion ever be sustainable? (時尚能否永續發展?)
【Business English - 46】Will office life ever be the same again? (辦公型態能回到從前嗎?)
【Business English - 34】How Starbucks Became An $80B Business (星巴克如何成為企業巨獸)
【Business English - 31】Inequality: Why are the rich getting richer? ( 不平等:為什麼富人變得更富裕?)
【Business English - 30】Facebook First Commercial ( 臉書初代廣告 )
【Business English - 29】The Joy of Stats ( 數據之美 )