【Business English -25】How TikTok Took the World by Storm (TikTok 如何風靡全球)
【Business English -24】Levi's Chief on Luxury and Lifestyle (Levi對奢華風的看法)
【Business English -23】How Balding Became Big Business (生髮水營銷策略)
【Business English -21】How Does Netflix Work & Make Money? ( Netflix營利模式 )
【Business English -20】GDPR & Social Media Privacy (GDPR 和社交媒體隱私)
【Business English -19】Why Sea Cucumbers Are So Expensive ( 為什麼海參這麼貴 )
【Business English -18】Animated Map Shows Where Your Favorite Coffee Actually Comes From ( 世界知名咖啡產地 )
【Business English -17】Why Whale Poop Is So Expensive ( 為什麼鯨糞如此昂貴 )
【Business English -03】Microsoft conducts 4-day work week study ( 微軟每周工作4天的可行性研究 )
【Business English -16】Sneaky Ways Costco Gets You To Spend More Money ( 好市多隱形行銷術 )
【Business English -15】Why Vanilla Is So Expensive ( 為什麼香草這麼貴 )
【Business English -13】The Story Behind the Starbucks Mermaid ( 星巴克美人魚的故事 )
【Business English -14】Bigger, faster, flashier – and greener? ( 更環保的設計走向 )
【Business English -12】Why Cashmere Is So Expensive ( 為什麼羊絨這麼貴 )
【Business English -10】The UK's new living wage explained ( 英國薪資新解 )
【Business English -09】How VW scandal will hit the car sector ( 福斯汽車醜聞如何衝擊汽車業 )
【Business English -08】The Rise And Fall Of Forever 21 ( Forever 21的興衰 )
【Business English -07】Why the market for skin whitening is growing ( 為什麼皮膚美白市場不斷增長 )
【Business English -06】Pet Food Goes Posh (狗飼料愈來愈高貴)
【Business English -45】What is Singles Day? ( 什麼是光棍節?)