【Nature English - 19】The 11 Greatest Threats To Humanity (人類生存的威脅)
【Nature English - 08】Top 10 Beautiful Waterfalls In The World (世界十大美麗瀑布)
【Nature English - 07】El Nino - What is it? (什麼是聖嬰現象)
【Nature English - 06】12 BEST beaches in the WORLD ( 世上最優質海灘 )
【Nature English - 05】Top 10 Highest Mountains in the World (世界十大高山)
【Nature English - 04】How Much Plastic is in the Ocean? ( 海洋中有多少塑料? )
【Nature English - 02】Why Does Nature Make You Feel Better? ( 為何大自然能促進身心健康 )
【Nature English - 03】Saturnia Hot Springs are the best in Italy! ( 薩圖尼亞溫泉是意大利最好的溫泉 )
【Nature English - 01】10 Amazing Places You won't Believe Are Original ( 驚人絕美的景點 )
【Nature English -22】The real reason there's no cure for your cold ( 感冒無法根治的實因 )
【Nature English - 21】What if everyone planted a tree? (全民植樹對世界的影響)
【Nature English -24】Antarctica melting: Journey to the 'doomsday glacier' (南極洲“末日冰川”之旅)