【Pets & Animals English - 34】The Deadliest Venomous Animals In The World ( 世界上最致命的有毒動物 )
【Pets & Animals English -52】CANADIAN LYNX - Amazing Animal Species ( 加拿大猞猁 - 驚人的動物物種 )
【Pets & Animals English - 49】15 Amazing Animal Friendships You Won't Believe! ( 難以置信的動物友誼!)
【Pets & Animals English -44】 Halloween Animals (萬聖節動物)
【Pets & Animals English - 47】Animal Adaptations ( 動物的適應性 )
【Pets & Animals English - 46】How smart are dolphins? ( 海豚有多聰明? )
【Pets & Animals English - 45】Zebra vs Horses: Animal Domestication (斑馬與馬。動物馴化)
【Pets & Animals English - 48】What is a Capybara and Why is it So Chill? ( 自在慢活的水豚君 )
【Pets & Animals English - 40】Your Life Will be Better After you Know About Frogmouths ( 蛙嘴貓後讓生活更美好 )
【Pets & Animals English - 42】Why I am Scared of Spiders (對蜘蛛的恐懼)
【Pets & Animals English - 33】How We Domesticated Cats (Twice) 我們是如何馴養貓咪的(兩次)
【Pets & Animals English - 22】Who Is the Fastest Living Being in the World?( 世界上最快的生物)
【Pets & Animals English - 21】The Breathtaking Monarch Butterfly Swarm (嘆為觀止的帝王蝶群)
【Pets & Animals English -19】Why the Octopus Brain is so Extraordinary (為什麼章魚如此聰明)
【Pets & Animals English -16】Living Among Ancient Dragons ( 遠古巨龍-科莫多蜥蜴 )
【Pets & Animals English -14】The History of Guinea Pigs (天竺鼠的歷史)
【Pets & Animals English -09】Unusual Animal Cafes in Tokyo ( 東京奇特動物咖啡廳 )
【Pets & Animals English - 06】Giant Pandas 6 Facts ( 熊貓的6個有趣真相 )
【Pets & Animals English - 51】The Only Zoo in the Arctic: Ranua Zoo, FINLAND (芬蘭拉努阿北極動物園)
【Pets & Animals English - 50】Reindeer & Caribou | Wild Arctic Animals ( 馴鹿和馴鹿| 北極野生動物 )