【TED-Ed -52】Why Shakespeare loved iambic (i am-bic) pentameter (為什麼莎士比亞喜歡抑揚格五音步)
【TED Talk - 35】The Egyptian Book of the Dead: A guidebook for the underworld (埃及亡者之書)
【TED Talk -43】Why is being scared so much fun? (為什麼被嚇到這麼有趣?)
【TED Talk - 33】Reasons for the Seasons ( 季節的原因 )
【TED Talk -11】Birth of a Nickname ( 暱稱的誕生 )
【TED Talk -12】How do Tornadoes Form? (龍捲風如何形成)
【TED Talk -26】A day in the life of a Roman soldier ( 古羅馬士兵的一天 )
【TED Talk - 29】The Benefits of a Bilingual Brain (雙語能力對大腦的好處)
【TED Talk - 45】How stress affects your brain ( 壓力如何影響你的大腦 )
【TED Talk - 24】How folding paper can get you to the moon ( 摺紙摺到比天高? )
【TED Talk - 21】Does Water Ever Expire? (水有保鮮期嗎)
【TED Talk - 46】Why Are You Always Tired? ( 長期疲倦的原因 )
【TED Talk - 23】Why are earthquakes so hard to predict? (為何地震如此難以預測 ?)
【TED Talk - 14】Why sitting is bad for you ( 久坐的壞處 )
【TED Talk - 25】The Deadly Irony of Gunpowder ( 火藥的致命諷刺 )
【TED Talk - 39】Who was Confucius? (至聖先知孔子的故事)
【TED Talk - 22】Why is yawning contagious? ( 為何打呵欠會傳染呢 )
【TED Talk - 37】Why do we Dream? (人類為何會做夢)
【TED Talk - 47】What is an Aurora? (極光如何產生)
【TED Talk - 34】From the top of the food chain down: Rewilding our world ( 從食物鏈頂端往下重塑這個世界 )