【TED Talk - 10】Where Do Superstitions Come From? (迷信是從哪來的?)
【TED Talk - 13】The Benefits of a Good Night's Sleep (一夜好眠的好處多多)
【TED Talk - 48】Who IS Sherlock Holmes? ( 福爾摩斯是誰? )
【TED Talk - 05】What makes the Great Wall of China so Extraordinary ( 中國長城探密 )
【TED Talk - 06】The History of Chocolate ( 巧克力的歷史 )
【TED Talk - 04】History of the Pencil ( 鉛筆的歷史 )
【TED Talk - 03】3 Tips to Boost Your Confidence ( 增加自信心的3個小秘訣 )
【TED Talk - 02】The History of Tea (茶葉的歷史)
【TED Talk - 01】How tsunamis work ( 海嘯產生的原理 )
【TED Talk - 27】Where does Gold come from? ( 黃金從哪裡來的呢? )
【TED Talk - 31】The History of Keeping Time ( 時間世界史 )
【TED Talk - 32】Why Do We Feel Nostalgia? ( 為什麼我們會懷舊?)